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The Health and Safety Act’s recognises the important role health and safety representatives play in representing the health and safety interests of workers. HSRs have been an important feature of occupational health and safety (OHS) in Victoria since 1985 and it is widely acknowledged that HSRs can make a real difference in having health and safety issues addressed and help achieve better health and safety outcomes.
WorkSafe strongly believes in the importance of the role of HSRs, and actively encourages all businesses to establish designated work groups and support the election of HSRs (Refer to your state and territory for further information.)
Health and safety in the workplace matters to everyone, and WorkSafe encourages all employers, HSRs, workers and their families to regularly talk about it and then act to improve safety in their workplace.
What is a Health and Safety Representative?
An HSR is a worker who has been elected by the members of their Designated Work Group (DWG) to represent them, providing a way for their views and concerns about health and safety to be heard by their employer. This comprehensive handbook contains all you should know about worker representation. It is a reference for all those who are involved in OHS representation, particularly HSRs and employers, and all Victorian workers who seek to establish designated work groups and representation arrangements in their workplace.
Why have Safety Representatives?
Research shows that when workers have input into health and safety, workplaces have better health and safety outcomes. This means fewer workplace incidents and injuries. How to become a Health and Safety Representative HSRs are elected by workers who are members of their designated work group (DWG).