Quality Consulting Group enables communication through a constant focus on innovation, agility and integrity.
Quality Consulting Group is fully committed to complying with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001 Standards, statutory and regulatory requirements, customer specifics requirements and continual improving the quality our services, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our staff and meeting our clients’ needs and expectation.
Quality Consulting Group was founded on the principles of honesty and integrity. From the beginning, the company has built and maintained a sterling reputation that all stakeholders can take pride in and rely on. Guided by the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, the entire Quality Consulting Group team carries the responsibility of being honest, sincere and trustworthy in every aspect of their work.
We are committed to client satisfaction through excellent performance. To achieve this vision, we continually strive not only to meet client expectations but to exceed them. We monitor our performance on all projects to enhance our processes, customer relationships and industry recognition.
We are committed to making safety a top priority for all employees. We integrate safety and risk management into our daily operations, ensuring that it becomes a natural part of our operation’s culture, enhancing management/worker cooperation and providing long-term positive results.
We are committed to making environmental a priority. We recognise that diversity, among people and our natural environment resources, we integrate environmental aspect / impact and risk management into our daily operations, ensuring that it becomes a natural part of our operation’s culture and maintain an environmental, clean, and free workplace.
We act with integrity and adhere to the highest standards of moral and ethical values. Acting with integrity builds trust which is a top priority in every relationship we maintain, from customers, subcontractors, and suppliers, to fellow co-workers.
We are committed to investigating new products and services to ensure we stay on top of advancing technology, growth within our industry, and changing needs of our clients. Through our passion for quality and forward thinking management style, we continuously diversify our skill set to separate us from our competition.
Our employees and contractors are our greatest asset. Great teamwork allows Quality Consulting Group to benefit from the combined strength of our individual talents, skills and expertise which are vital when tackling challenging construction projects.